Sunday, October 28, 2012

All my favorites........

     OK, so I will apologize now because this entry is going to be a shameless plug for all the fashion and beauty sites that I have found and have come to love.  We all have them....that one website that has a bunch of cool tips and cute things that we love, so we check it on a regular basis.  I have a couple that if you haven't ever been on the site you should check out.
     So the first one is a blog called  The girl that runs the blog, Jen, is adorable and has a great personality.  She also has a couple of channels on youtube that I watch regularly.  If you want to see those I think you can find the links on the blog page.   Basically what she does is goes out and finds products that she likes while she is shopping and then posts her opinions about them.  She has everything from brand name high end items to drugstore finds and everything in between.  She talks about clothes, hair, make-up, jewelry, and my favorite, nail polish.  This girls collection of polishes is positively insane.  She also does make-up tutorials, hair tutorials and nail design tutorials.  Everything is cute and fun and I love it!!!
     Another site I frequent is a blog on blogger called a girl and her polish.  She posts different nail designs she has done and what colors and brands she used to do them.  She also showcases different collections of different brands of polish.  Some of her designs are really pretty and all the colors she uses are fantastic!!
     Keeping with the nail design talk the next site I'm going to tell you about is a channel I watch frequently on youtube called cutepolish.  I believe you can also find this girl on twitter, facebook, instagram and a few other places on the net.  Cutepolish (or the girl in the videos that we still have no idea what she looks like) showcases a plethora of adorable and easy nail designs.  She takes ideas from her subscribers and fans and comes up with a design that only takes a couple of minutes to create.  She now even has he own top and base coat that she sells!!!  Her designs go from adorable to chic and everything else in between.  I've tried a couple of her designs and they look amazing!!!  She posts a new design every Sunday (usually, sometimes Monday) and as far as I have seen, answers any and all questions that her fans and subscribers may have to ask.  She also recently started promoting Disney and once or twice a month comes out with a Disney inspired design.  Awesome!!
  The last two I am going to tell you about are two that I actually fell in love with just this morning.  Thank you to Jen from for getting me hooked.  One is called  Youbeauty is one of those sites that has tips and discussuons about EVERYTHING!!!!!  Beauty, name it they pretty much cover it and they have a TON of quizzes that you can take if you like to take quizzes. (Lord knows I do!!)  The other is called  This site is cool and as soon as I get the money to I am bound and determined to try it out.  When you sign in to this site it asks a bunch of questions about what styles you like, make-up, accessories...etc.  Then what you do is you pick either the $49.99 or the $29.99 option and look through what their stylists have put together for based on your tastes.  Once you pick one or two items they put them in a virtual "bag".  When you check out they give you a couple more items at random based on your tastes in your bag.  You get a couple of days to trade and swap items in your bag with other people before your items get shipped to you.  The great part about it is you are only paying the $29 or $49 and getting items that are worth almost twice that!!!  Brand name stuff that you probably wouldn't normally spend a ton of money on is what you are getting for one low price!!!  How AWESOME is that???!!!!  I love to shop so to me this is a dream come true!!! 
     So that's all I have for you ladies....I hope you check out some of these sites and enjoy them as much as I do...Until next time......

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Hair Affair

     How many of my readers out there have luscious long hair?  How many of you have short hair?  How many of you have a haircut that you aren't sure about but you keep because you are afraid to do anything else with?   It's amazing how attached to our hair we can get.  Depending on what we can make it do and how we feel with it, we can feel everything from feeling like a Victoria's Secret model to the cute girl next door and everything in between.  Some of us find a hair cut that we are comfortable with and absolutely love, others spend a while changing styles and lengths looking for that perfect cut that makes us feel fabulous.  Then there are those few who have had long hair all their lives and are afraid to cut it because that's how they identify themselves.  This used to be me.
     OK, let me be honest, I didn't realize that I was identifying myself with my long hair.  I had really long hair when I was in high school.  Long, being that the ends of my hair brushed my belt line of my pants that were low riders to begin with.  When I decided to become a runner and do track and cross country I cut it to the middle of my back to make it more manageable.  A short time later I came to the realization that it was still to heavy to run with and cut it to my shoulders.  I liked the cut, it was a cut little bob, the ends curled under on their own without any styling and I could still pull it back into a pony tail for sports.  Feeling confident, I would go about my regular day until one day I was mistaken for someone else on a couple different occasions because I wasn't recognized because I cut my hair and looked like everyone else.  This got to me.  I was always been known for the long hair that I had, until that point, for the previous 10 years.  I hated the idea of being mistaken for someone else instead of being recognized for me.  I decided to start letting my hair grow back out determined to get it long again.  I did this for a few years then I would cut it convinced that I liked it better short, then I would run into someone I knew and they would gush over how cute my hair looks but how gorgeous it was when I let it grow long.  I went back and forth like this for years.  A couple of months ago I looked at my husband and asked him what I should do with my hair because the maintenance and the random lost strands were getting ridiculous.  My hair was just past the mid of my back at this point.  He told me to shave my head and laughed.  I told him no way, to which he replied that he always thought I looked cute with short hair.  I decided to go for it, I figured that if my hubs thought I was cute with short hair then I could do it.  I went and got it cut to my shoulders and layered.  It looked good and received rave reviews from the hubby who was relieved that he wouldn't be pulling 2 foot long hairs out of his shirts anymore.  I liked it and I felt good about it.  It was easy to style and I could still get it to pull up into a wimpy pony.  Last week however, I noticed how much it had grown in the last couple of months and wanted to get it cut again.  Once again, I asked the hubby for his opinion and he told me that it was my hair and to do what I want.  I showed him a picture of a cute isometric cut that was on Pinterest.  He told me to go for it.  So I did...... I LOVE IT!!!!!   After I got it cut, I sent him a picture with my phone.  He said he liked it and that i have always looked good with short hair.  He also said that I have always identified myself with my long hair, to which I replied that the long hair always made me feel like a Victoria's Secret model.  You want to knw what he said to me?  My wonderful husband said to me that I was a Victoria Secret model, just one that didn't have time to fuck with her hair.  I love him.  But it was the comment he made about me identifying myself that stuck with me.  I always felt that to feel like me and to feel pretty I had to have long hair and I realize I don't.  I know I'm not the only person out there that has felt this way either. (Hairdressers wouldn't make the money they do if I was.)  So I sit here with my cute and fab hair cut feeling sexxy telling all the other beautiful women out there that feel that same way I did to take a chance and try a new hair cut if you think it will make you feel amazing.  If you have had long hair all your life and you want to try a short style, do it, hair grows back.  If you don't like the new cut grow it out.  Try everything.......We constantly change our nail color, our clothes, hair color evey thing....why not try a new hairstyle?
     So I leave you all with this.....Do as you will with your head, throw caution to the wind and try that drastic new cut, because you just might like it.  If you don't, the great thing about hair is that it always grows back for you to try something new with it again.  make yourself look as beautiful as you feel. Until next time........

Friday, August 31, 2012

Men are from Mars, Women are from Pluto Part 2!!!!

     You didn't know that a blog could have a sequel did you?  Well, in my world they can.  The reason is well, if I would have put everything in the first half of this blog then I would have gone on for days.....this way I can break it up a little and change topic without losing my reader's interest.  Seriously let's face it,  most of us have the attention span of a 2 year old.  We need new things after a certain amount of time. So this is where part two comes in and where it will begin.....
     Sex.  We all think about it, most of us are doing it, and I'm hoping that everyone loves it.  One question that has plagued women everywhere, why do people cheat?  I have a couple of answers to that question.  The reason I have a couple is because one reason doesn't cover every situation.  The differences between men and women cause different answers to that question.  This is where the big differences between men and women come in as well.
     When it comes to sex, women are in it for love.  I don't give a rat's ass what anyone tells you, women are always in it for love whether or not they want to admit it.  We can not separate emotion from just sex.  We always throw our heart into it even if we don't want to.  We can say all we want is sex from a man and we will make ourselves believe it, but deep down that person is more than just a fuck buddy.  (Friend with benefits, booty call...etc you get the drift.)  So we set up these rules with this other person and then we break the no emotional attachment rule that we are usually the first ones to mention.  Then, we proceed to get angry when he decides to start dating other people as well as dating you, because we have developed this emotional attachment to this person  that we said we only wanted a sexual relationship with.   We call him every name in the book, cause a huge fight and are just as hurt as we would be if we were in an actual relationship with this person.  They think we are crazy, call us all the names in the book and ask why we started anything with them in the first place when the agreement was not to get emotionally attached.  We complain to our friends that he was an asshole and he tells his friends that bitches are crazy and nothing is resolved.   Now when you are in an actual committed relationship, you and your object of affection are great for a few months, doing everything together, making kissy faces in public, and all the other stuff that couples do that makes the rest of the world gag and yell "get a room!!"  Eventually the Disney movie love wears off and you are in a serious sexual relationship with another person with all the commitment that goes along with it.  So why do girls cheat?  Because something in a lot of us can never truly settle down with just one person and be happy.  We will nit pick and look for every thing we can to find something wrong with the person we are with.  Once we find one little fault, its almost always a deal breaker.  We can still be with this person in a relationship and be on the prowl for something we might think is better.  (Chances are very good that its not and the person you are with is everything you are looking for.)  Once we find that someone else, its all a tragic fall that spirals out of control and turns into an affair that we later realize wasn't worth the relationship that we threw away by cheating.  How does the other person find out about the affair you ask?  Because girls are stupid and we either put ourselves in a position that we get caught or we feel guilty and we tell the truth.  There is no way around it.  Secrets are something that we are genetically programmed to not be able to keep.  World war 3 happens and we just ruined possibly the best relationship that we will ever have with out any hope of salvage.  How can we prevent this from happening?  DON'T CHEAT!!!!!!  It's not hard, just don't do it.  Chances are that no other man is going to be better than the one that you found and feel like you can't live without.  If that man treats you like your a goddess, tells you you are beautiful everyday, tells you I love you multiple times a day and would do anything for you ( slay dragons, defend your honor...etc) then he is worth keeping. So if you think you may have found something didn't....don't do it.
     Men on the other hand are a different story.  Some of them are like women and are on the prowl for something better, which they don't find and end up screwing up that best thing that ever came into their lives. Some of them are just plain stupid and think that they are capable of keeping a secret from several different girls that they are fucking and then they get caught and try to come up with a lame ass excuse as to why it happened.  The excuse never works and they are either left totally alone or end up with one or two of the girls still willing to fight for him. (These types of girls are seriously fucking stupid and should be shot.  He cheated once...he will do it again.)  Then, you have the vast majority of men who will be straight and admit that the only reason that they cheated was because its an animal instinct.  Its the drive in men to be able to try an stick their dicks into as many women as possible before they die.  There is no love, no emotion involved.  Men have the ability to separate sex and love.  They can just have sex with a girl and not have any feelings for her and then go home to the woman they love that stole their heart away and be happy.  Its sort of like a parallel universe.  Now, I'm not saying that because of this ridiculous ability that men were given, it's by any means an excuse for cheating, but it kind of explains the motive behind it all.
     Before you begin to lose all hope, there are a small population of men on this planet that can commit to a woman and she is all he will ever need.  The thought of cheating may cross his mind, but he will never act on it because he know that he would be ruining  the best thing that he ever found.  He appreciates everything that you do for him and will do everything in his power to make you feel like the goddess that he knows you are.  These men ladies, are the ones that you need to find and keep.  I found mine and I will never let him go.  I would clone him if I could....I would make a killing.  He is my best friend and soul mate and I don't know where or who I would be with out him. If you find a man like my husband, KEEP HIM!!!!
     So in closing, I say this, the above reading are the differences between men and women and they reasons why we cheat.  Use it as a lesson to learn not to or as a guide to find and stay away from those who do....cheating never did anyone any good and it never will.  Until Next Time.......

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Lingering Memory

     I know what you're thinking....the lingering memory of what?  I'm referring to the lingering memory or memories of the past relationships that you have had or events in your life (even the simple ones) and how they can come back to the forefront of your brain with no warning.  It might just take a song on the radio, a smell of a room, the way someone looks at you and soon you find yourself remembering that person that you may not have thought about for, sometimes,  years.  It doesn't matter if you are in the best relationship of your life, one little trigger will take you back to that person and time, leaving you wondering why you would even think of that now.  It happens to all of us.  You can sit and read this and think to yourself that it never happens to you, but just as you say that some memory of an old boyfriend/girlfriend or best friend will pop into your brain.  Did you ever notice how much time can go by when that happens?  You can seriously lose an hour of your life that you didn't know you lost until you snap out of the memory trance.
     This happens to me all the time.  A lot of the time its just a song that will trigger it.  Some of the memories are happy, some are sad, some I wish I could just plain forget.  (Those are usually the ones that involve my ex husband).  Don't get me wrong my ex and I had some fun times but when I look back on them all I realize that entire time we were together he decided that I wasn't enough and fucked anything that would let him near them.  The bitch of it all was that I knew half of the people that he cheated on me with and they all knew that he was married.  The bad part is that now I'm insecure about myself and most of the grievances I have towards my wonderful husband now are because of the stupid memories of my ex doing that same thing.  An example....My husband plays C.O.D on Xbox quite often, my ex constantly played Socom on PlayStation...the difference between them, while my ex totally ignored me while he was gaming no matter what I did, my husband makes sure he comes up to kiss me or hug me or even talk to me while he is playing because he knows what my ex used to do and promised me he wouldn't be the same way.  That doesn't keep the memory at bay but it helps.  A song on the radio or on my ipod will take me back to my first high school boyfriend and all the fun that we used to have.  I can honestly say I have no romantic feelings for him anymore but I can defiantly lose myself in some of those old memories of a simpler time.  I can walk into a store that sells candles or incense and I remember my trip that I took to India and the way the inside of the hotel smelled, rich with incense and curry, the best smell to wake up to in the morning.  The smell of coffee and bacon takes me back to my childhood and Sunday morning breakfast.  My dad always cooked breakfast for us and played Pat Methany, Robert Johnson, Simon and Garfunkel and whatever else he had in his record collection while he cooked.  A visit to my favorite place will bring back the painful memory of my first real crush and my first broken heart.  It really doesn't take a lot, if you really think about it, to trigger an old memory.  Like Clint Black said in one of his songs, " Ain't it funny how a melody can bring back a memory, Take you to another place in time, Completely change your state of mind."
     So in this short little post I will just say this....Indulge in those little moments.  It's those moments in time that you remember that you always learn from.  Good or bad there is a reason that those memories have the trigger that they do.  One word of good advice though, don't do it while you're driving if you can help it.  God forbid that the memory causes an accident or something else like that, anywhere else, daydream away!!
Until Next Time...........

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fifty Shades Of....Oh Hell Yes!!!!!

   Warning: Graphic Language is in this blog, if you get offended easily I strongly suggest that you don't read!!

   This time this entry is going to be more than just a blog, it's going to border on book review.  I, like millions of other women out there, finally read the Fifty Shades Trilogy and am now obsessed with these books.  How do I know that millions of others are reading it too you ask?  These books have held the top four sales spots for book sales for the past few months.  Maybe even longer, I really don't know for sure.  All I know is that these books are amazing and I think every woman on the planet needs to indulge herself and read them!!!
     I honestly don't remember where I heard about Fifty Shades but I was ultimately interested when I heard that it started out as a fan fiction based off of the characters of Twilight. ( If you have been following and reading this blog I have randomly dropped hints that I am a Twilight fanatic as well.)  So I, like any other person, googled this information and found the fan fiction in question.  Now, for those of you who have no clue what fan fiction is, I will enlighten you.  Fan Fiction are stories that fans of books or movies have created to either put their own twist on the same story, take the story further than the book/movie did or use the same characters as the original but make the story their own.  This is what E.L. James did with the Fifty Shades Trilogy.  She took the characters from Twilight and wrote them into her own story. When she decided that she wanted more than just a post on a web site she changed a few things, the characters names and BOOM!!  Fifty Shades Trilogy is born!! Halleluiah!!!!!!  Mommy Porn is born!!!!  After reading the fan fiction aptly named Master of the Universe, I had to read the books.....the obsession was born.
     The whole story stars out with a young college girl, Anastasia Steele, who gets stuck doing an interview with a handsome, young business mogul, Christian Grey, as a favor to her flu ridden roomate.  Anastasia is immediately taken with Christian but denies her feelings until she is asked to coffee by Christian at a photo shoot she arranged so there would be photos to go with the interview that was going to be published in the college paper.  At this point the lurid yet delicious affair between Christian and Anastasia begins leaving women everywhere wanting their own Christian Grey.
     SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!  If you haven't read the books yet and don't want to know what happens until you do I suggest that you close this page out now.....For those of you still with me....Time to get freaky!!!!  What makes the affair and eventual relationship between Christian and Ana so delicious and keeps us wanting more is the forbidden nature of it.  Christian is waaayyyy into BDSM.  If you don't know what that is think whips, paddles and handcuffs mixed with awesome sex.  There is more to it of course but well, you get the idea.   Then a shocking truth is revealed, Ana is a virgin.  This a truth that readers and Christian weren't expecting, but being the sexy and irresistible man that he turns out to be he remedies that situation with Ana's full consent.  This is all after he reveals his intentions, makes her sign an NDA, and shows her what is affectionately referred to as the "red room of pain."  As Ana looks around this room she promptly thinks "it feels like I’ve time-traveled back to the sixteenth century and the Spanish Inquisition."   I will leave out the details of what she saw in this room but what was seen scared her and turned her on all at the same time. And so the sexy, torturous love affair between the submissive and her dominant begins, leaving all of us exploring the possibility that we want to maybe try out the "red room of pain."    The sex scenes are plentiful with every woman wishing that they had sex 10 times a day and their boyfriends/husbands wondering where the sudden jump in their partners libido is coming from but not complaining because, well they're guys and sex occupies their minds ALL THE TIME.   This wonderfully sexy novels do have a story line to them, everything from Ana overcoming a couple of Christians previous partners to an obsessive ex-boss that tries to kill them both.  In the end, Ana finally gets her happily ever after.....Married to Christian and at the very end pregnant with her second child. Swoon!!!!!!!
     I loved every second of these books and don't recommend reading them unless you have a boyfriend, husband or even a fuck buddy.  They will turn you on and you will want to have sex.  If you read them and don't have one of those three humans I have mentioned above well you know what other options you have, either go without and deal with the feelings of desire and sexiness or take the route that every man takes and rub one out!!!  (Although that doesn't always help either. )   This book is gonna make you want to as Christian Grey said to Ana " I don't make love...I fuck...hard."  Trust me, I did.  My libido was on overdrive in the four days that I was reading these books.  My husband didn't complain. (obviously, what man would while they have a woman so crazed with desire that they have the urge to fuck him every which way from sunday.)  E.L James did a fantastic job reaching into every woman's brain and pulling out those innermost, forbidden fantasies that none of us will ever really do and putting it on paper for us to read about.  Men have their Playboys and Hustler and Porn, we have Christian Grey in unbuttoned, ripped jeans with a riding crop!!!!  Face it ladies, as strong willed and independent as we think we are we all wanted Christian to dominate us at some point and time, and would have let him do ANYTHING he wanted.
     So in closing, READ THESE BOOKS!!!  Get lost for a few hours in the sexy world that E.L. James created for us and if needed get to know yourself a little better!!!  Until next time..........

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Ahhhh.....Young Love......*Sigh*

     I was sitting at work with my friend Stephanie and One Time by Justin Beiber came on my ipod that we were listening to.  Yes, I can hear all the dreaded gasps and comments of "OMG you have Justin Beiber on your iPod!!!!"  Yes I do.  Just that one song.  Why do I have just that one song?  I think its cute.  it was done before his voice changed so he still has that cute teenager voice and the song is about teenage love.  While listening to the song I looked at Stephanie and I told her my realization:  Love is never truer than it is when you are 15 years old.  Don't get me wrong love is very true when you are older as well but its not the same kind of love.
     When you are 15, if you're anything like me, it's usually the age you start seriously dating and that first real boyfriend comes into the picture.  (Some of you may have started out sooner but I didn't....late bloomer I guess)  With that first boyfriend comes all the things that go with a first love.  The constant butterflies, the hourly, lengthy phone conversations, the dread of being away from that other person for more than a few minutes and the snuggling.  In my case, that first real kiss came into the picture. (like I said, late bloomer)  Nothing else in the world matters but you and that other person.  No complications of cheating, sex, or any other obstacle that you have to defend yourself against when you are in a more mature relationship.  Everything is all bubblegum and rainbows.  You make each other cards on valentines day and your boyfriend doesn't mind getting a cute little teddy bear that says I love you on it.  Sitting with each other on the couch holding hands and cuddling is all you need to keep you safe and happy.  During the school day you pass notes to each other in the hallways proclaiming how much you love that other person and how you would just simply die with out them.  The kisses are sweeter, softer and mean so much more than any thing you have ever felt.  They leave you feeling giddy and wanting more.  The love between you two is pure and uncomplicated.  Its sometimes the only time in your life that you can truly be with someone and not be anyone but who you are.  That other person loves you for you and no other reason.  Then the hormones of the lovesick teenager kick in.....and this is where EVERYTHING get screwed up.
     Nothing ruins a wonderful first love better than sex.  At 15 or 16 we have all these racing hormones and desires and don't have a clue what the hell to do them.  This is where we get the bright idea or ruining a good thing with sex.  90% of the time its the boy that mentions it.  They then leave it up to the girl if they are going to have sex or not.  Some guys pressure and others are very calm about it.  What we don't realize at this age is that sex is wonderful and horrible all at the same time.  It's wonderful because it makes you feel good and brings you closer to that other person.  If you are truly in love it will bring you closer and make you fall even harder for that person.  The bad side to it is that it complicates things by making the little things like holding hands and making out not mean as much as it used to.  Before you has sex those things were enough to calm the desires for that other person, now it doesn't work as well as it used to and sex is the only way to quench this desire.  This leaves a lot of young couples thinking that the only reason they are together is because of the sex because they forget the real reason they fell in love in the first place.  The fighting begins and the cute teenage relationship turns into World War III.  Break-ups ensue and you sometimes never talk to that person again.
     As you grow up, you find someone that brings the butterflies again.  Even though they aren't the same butterflies that you got at 15, they are still the ones that tell you that you like and could love this person you've met.  Through out your courtship, the hand holding, making out, and cuddling happen but the way all of these made you feel at 15 is lost and the more mature desire kicks in.  The love making happens and the falling in love begins.  The butterflies disappear but a stronger feeling of love and attachment kicks in and even though its not the same love as it was when you were 15 its just as strong.  Eventually you will get married and maybe have a family.  The relationship between you and your husband is strong and you could never imagine yourself with another man, but one day while you are just sitting alone or cleaning up your first love will pop into your head and you will reminisce about the days when things were simple and just a kiss would give you butterflies.
     So in closing all I have to say is this......Even though you are perfectly happy with your marriage or relationship that you are in its OK to remember a simpler time when kisses meant more and a hand holding yours would give you those happy butterflies.....until next time.......

Saturday, March 24, 2012


     I know, exciting title right?  My husband and I got into a conversation about the female obsession with glitter one night after I felt compelled to buy not one, but 4 new nail polishes.  What compelled this buy?  Earlier that week my mom and I had gone shopping and we came across some Wet n' Wild nail polish.  It was a glitter, sparkle polish in mulitple colors and mom said to pick one for myself and she would get it for me.  Being as I have a propensity towards blue I found a bluish one amongst the collection and threw it in the cart.  Later that day I decided to change the plain white french manicure I already had and followed the white tip with the new bluish sparkle.  I was in awe.  First of all, one coat almost was enough.  Secondly, it was a full cover, full color sparkle.....meaning two coats and it totally covered the white tip with out any gaps.  Last but not least it glittered in the sun like Edward Cullen with his shirt off.  I was in love!!!  I knew that I had to have more.  The next day I went back to the store to find that they had four other colors in the collection and I bought them all.  I was now the proud owner of a rainbow of sparkly colors, pink, purple, green, yellow and the already owned blue.  Later that night I redid my sparkly tips and did each tip in a different color.  "you women and glitter" was all the hubby said to me as he smiled and shook his head after I showed him my masterpiece.  That comment sparked a conversation that inspired this blog.
     Woman are obsessed with glitter.  Don't think so?  How much glittery nail polish do you own?  How much glittery make-up do you have on hand? (eyeshadow, blush, body powder, body lotion.)  Probably more than you thought.  Most of the time women can't buy make-up with out some type of shimmer or shiny already in it.  A lot of times we go out of our way to buy it and mix it with what we have or use it on its own.  Think about the Rennissance Festival, they have people paid to just walk around with a bottle of glitter and ask you if you want to be sparkled....and what do we say?  Yesss!!  Then we stand as close as possible and make sure they get us from head to toe with this stuff so that we can spend the day glittering in the sunlight as we walk around Holly Grove with fake british accents buying wooden swords and turkey legs as big as our heads.  Why do we do this you ask?  (my hubby asked too...)  Because it doesn't matter how horrible we feel we put a little bit of glitter on ourselves and it will make us instantly happy.  Don't believe me? Try it.  One day when you are totally pissed off paint your nails with some glitter polish or put on a low cut shirt and use some shimmery lotion or body powder.  I can promise that once the glitter catches the light your mood will instantly change and you will start posing  like a super model in the mirror.  Glitter makes us feel pretty.  It makes us feel confident.  We all love to feel like Tinkerbell sometimes. 
     I think this might be where the saying "A diamond is a girls best friend" came from.  Its not because we have an obsession with diamonds themselves but the sparkly effect that they have on us.  Let's face it, other gem stones are pretty but nothing sparkles and glitters in the sunlight like a diamond.  The bigger the diamond the bigger the sparkle.  So for all of you men out there that think its the diamond we are obssessed with, it's not, we want the sparkle that the diamond gives off.  Look around, I'm sure on a sunny day you will catch a woman checking out her rings and manipulating them in the sun to see the sparkly.  We do the same with  good glitter polish on our nails, which is why it is more popular to see in the summer months covering fingers and toes as opposed to the winter.  We all have a need to feel good about our selves and I believe that nothing does that better than a little glittery pixie dusting or I can even quote How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days and say a little "frosting" might be all we need.
     So in closing, if your man complains about the glitter tell him to shove off.  If it makes you feel good, let's face it we know it does, then abuse the glitter to your hearts content.  Hell, when he's not looking dump some on him!!!  He might get mad but it will make you laugh!  Until next time.......

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Men are Mars...Women are from Pluto!!!

     I only say this because in a lot of respects woman are completely out of this world with their thinking.  I only realized this the other day when my husband and I got to talking the differences between men and women.  Not just obvious differences (yes I realize boys have a penis and girls have a vagina)but the differences in our relationships with other people, more specifically with our friends.  After our conversation I was enlightened to the differences and was a little surprised at just how things really are.   I don't want to betray my gender but women can be really ridiculous when it comes to friendships and keeping them.  This is the only time that I think that men have it completely right.
     Men have friends and men will keep those friends for years.  I'm not talking just a couple of years, but like they've been friends since they were in diapers, years.  They might compete in everything from who has the better car to who gets the hot girl, but in the long run, men have friendships that will stand the test of time and these guys would do anything for eachother.  They are genuinly there for eachother through the hard times, the good times, the bad times and they just enjoy hanging out doing nothing but watching TV.  They won't go out of their way to screw eachother over just for the joy of seeing what would happen.  When they have a diagreement, they won't end the friendship.  They might not talk for a couple of days, but they do make up and the friendship goes on.  If a friend of theirs calls them some derogotory name they come up with something equally bad until they go back and forth so many times that they do it to make themselves laugh.  It becomes a game and all meaness goes out the window.There are few things that will cause men to end their relationships with their friends.  Those few things will be a deal breaker for anyone. (Cheating with the others spouse, get the drift...all the REALLY bad stuff.)
     Women, well they're a totally different breed.  How many of you can truely say that  you have had a female friend that you have known all of your life?  You might have one but chances are the majority of us do not and the friend that we have known the longest we have only known for a couple of years.  Women have a tendency to write people off if they don't do, say, or agree with everthing that we believe in.  We have an ability to end a friendship over something dumb that can be forgiven and forgotten but instead we drag out the cat fight looking for more reasons why we shouldn't be friends with that person anymore.  We let our relationships with our guys interfere with our relationships with our girls.  How many of you stopped hanging out with a friend because you just started dating a guy or the guy you have been dating doesn't like that certain friend?  Don't feel bad, we have all done it.  But we shouldn't.  We go out of our way to try and make eachother look bad but act like the victim when things don't work out the way we thought they would.  We pretend to be nice to eachother but constantly talk eachother down behind one another's back.  We will talk a guy down to our friend until that friend loses interest in him and then go behind their backs and date that guy.  In a lot of cases this behavior will completely end a friendship.  The ridiculous thing is the girl that down talked the guy and started dating him will tell her new ex-friend "you snooze you lose".  Maybe not exactly that phrase but one like it.  Sometimes we will find that one true friend that we would go out of our way for and then something in us changes and we do everything we can to push that person away.  I think it comes down to the fact that we think they know too much about us and we are paranoid that they will use what they know against us. Why do we think this?  Because we are all  guilty of doing it.  What we need to do is take a page from the book that the boys go from......maybe then we can all have a longtime friend that we can trust.  We can build the friendships that we all want.  Trusting, lasting, and never judging. 
     I have been told on several occasions that I'm part dude.  All of my husbands friends think I have a mans brain because I understand what they do, why they do it and I still accept them for who they are.  My husband told me the same thing when we had the discussuion on this very topic.  I have a couple of close girlfriends and the rest are all guys....why?  Because a lot of girls and myself don't get along because of the behavior descibed above.  I don't understand how women can treat eachother this way.  I've had it done to me and I'm sad for the fact that I have lost quite a few really good friends because they felt the need to do everthing I have talked about.  I'm not innocent by any means and I will admit I have my moments that I can be catty but when  it realy comes down to it I do my best to treat my friends with the respect that they deseve.  I have managed to keep a couple of friendships for 10 years or better and my friends and I work on those friendships to keep them happy.
     In closing, all I'm saying is follow the golden rule and treat others the way you want to be treated.  When you find that friend that you really trust, don't push them away because you think they know too much about you and if you do hear about a friend talking badly about you when you aren't around, go to them and talk to them about it instead of believing what everyone else tells you.  You may find that there are two sides to every story.  Until next time.......

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ewwwww Hair....or Ooooooh Hair.....?

     This has been a common debate amongst the female population.  Don't believe me?  I heard a debate about it on my favorite morning radio show!!  Do women like a hairy man or would we prefer that they waxed (or shaved) it all off.  Well the answer to that lies with the woman.  It's their choice.  Yes, I realize that men have the choice but if they know what we like they are more than likely to do what we want.  Why?  Because if we like it then they're going to get laid. (don't deny it you know they will.)  It depends on the woman on what they find sexier.
     The hair debate has been going on for ages and I'm pretty sure has been talked about on every women's gossip show on the planet at one point in time.  Do women prefer their men to have body hair or not?  My personal opinion?  I love it!  Now, I'm not talking gross hairy, I don't like if a man is so hairy he would rival Chewbacca. I don't wanna live with a Sasquatch.  All I'm talking about is hair on the chest, a little down to the belly button and maybe a little on his back.  The hair on the chest has to have a decent covering too, not just a few little hairs that they are proud of, but an even covering.  Maybe a little showing out of the collar of their shirt but you don't want to see what looks like a small kitten trying to escape.  The back hair should be there but just on the shoulder blades, maybe down the sides a little, and not thick.  You don't want to have enough there to be able to brush and style.  Just enough that you know its there. Now, if you're like me and you love everything I have just described, a man with these attributes will completely irresistible to you.  I believe that the hair makes the man, you are not a real man unless you have it. The first time i saw my husband take his shirt off I was in awe and a completely changed woman.  I used to be a girl that thought chest hair was gross.  Just the thought of it made me just....ewwwwww.  Then that first time he took his shirt off I was never more turned on in my life.  He had hair on his chest and I was just unbelievably  I was literally speechless.  I was converted and I loved it.  I do understand that there are guys out there that just can't grow any hair on their chest.  I knew a guy that could only grow three hairs and that's it.  That doesn't make them any less of a man because of genetics.  That simply puts them into the group of guys that women who don't like the hair. 
     There are a lot of women out there who unlike myself and a few others would prefer a smooth hairless  chest, back and otherwise.  Now I can see the attraction, with a hairless chest you get to see the true muscle definition and you can lay your head on his chest with out having hair in your face. If he tans, his chest will tan evenly with out hair getting in the way.  The six pack abs that he might have will be truly visible.  I can vision all of you ladies now just picturing what I have described and I can guarantee that at one point in the thought you just had you either licked or slightly bit your bottom lip or both.  Don't be embarrassed.  We all do it. Every single one of has, does and still will.  Even those of us, like me who prefer the hair, can appreciate the view.  The guys will make sure they stay that way too, because they know that if their girl looks at them that way they have the excellent possibility of getting some of the best sex of their lives. And you know they do.  Guys will put themselves through the pain of waxing, razor burn from shaving and try hair removal creams to keep us satisfied if that's what we like.  They're not completely dumb. (a little but not totally)
     So in closing, I know that this one is a little short and that's why I am going to leave things open for discussion!!!  Let me know what you prefer and why.  Tell your friends to read this and have them comment.  Who knows there may be a part two to this blog.....Until then.......

Sunday, February 12, 2012

For the Love of a Nerd

     I know what you are thinking by reading this title.....ewwwww nerds!!!!  That's right this whole blog today will be about the people we call "nerds" and how they are greatly underestimated.  Being considered a nerd myself all through high school, (at least I thought I was....) I can almost call myself an expert on the subject.  A lot of people still consider me a nerd to this day because of the interests and hobbies that I enjoy.  What people don't know is that those we consider nerds are probably some of the best friends that you can have and in a lot of cases the best lovers. (speaking from a girls perspective about nerdy guys....really not sure about the other way around.)
     So like I said, all through high school I thought myself to be considered a nerd.  I was smart, did my own thing and never really hung out with the popular crowd.  Take all of those factors into account and the label was formed.  None of my friends were considered popular either...."nerds" as well.  We did our own thing and had a great time.  As I got older I reconnected with my high school best friend ( yes a guy) and we ended up dating and getting married. "Awwwwww you married your high school sweetheart..."  Yes, yes I did and I have never been happier.  My husband was a part of our group of "nerds" in high school and after getting to really know him I found out just how far the nerdyness went. 
     He is BIG in video games and probably has played every game on the planet at least once at one point in time or another.  He is really big into role playing, not the same role playing that you are thinking of, but role playing like dungeons and dragons.  I have to admit I kinda giggled when I heard that until he got me to play once and now I'm hooked.  I know that you are laughing right now but when you have an overactive imagination like I do this game is perfect.  Its not much different from playing video games but its all on paper and using your imagination rather that relying on a computer to add all your traits and scores for you.  I usually describe it to people as a group of people sitting around a table telling a story.  You have worksheets to keep track of items, traits, hit points, weapons and other various things that help you character you created and are playing.  There are dice involved, not just regular six sided dice that we are all used to but like ten and twenty sided ones that I had never seen nor did I know they existed until I started playing.  You get as many people that you can and have a blast.  You'll never know how fun it is until you try it once.  He was big into Warhammer which is role playing but you buy and make the little figurines and the landscapes on which to play.  This is all done on table top.  I never got into playing the game but I loved sitting down and painting the figurines.  He loves to read and between the two of us we have enough books to stock a small library.  He doesn't dress in the latest fashions instead , he wears what he is comfortable in.  So according to the stereotype of nerd, he fits the profile.  What most don't know is that even though he is a guy and still has a little bit of those guy tendencies, he's an amazing husband.  He's loving, caring, supportive and last but not least amazing in the sack!!!
     The point I want to make here is, a lot of us girls don't give the "nerdy" guys a chance because they aren't popular, aren't always the handsomest and some are into stuff that we turn our noses up at because we are afraid to stray from the norm and try new things. So, we continue to push our loyal nerd guy friends off to the side and go for the "popular" guy.  You know, handsome, athletic, six pack and an ego that rivals the size of Jupiter type of guy that ALWAYS breaks your heart. (mostly because his ego is the size of Jupiter!!)  Then we wonder what we did wrong.  What we did wrong is push the nice guy away (nerd) and go for what society tells us is beautiful.  I have been hanging out with my husband and all of his friends for almost ten years and I don't think I have ever met a more friendly, loyal, and down to earth crowd in my life.  They met me once and instantly they accepted me no questions asked and would be there for me if I ever needed anything.  That's how it should be for everyone.  This world would be a better place if we were all accepted for who we are and not who we should be. 
     I also know that those guys we consider nerds might not be the handsomest boys on the planet but if you find them sexy then who cares what other people think??  I used to be picked on all the time by a girl I used to work with about my husband.  She didn't know what I saw in him.  I didn't care.  Yes he may be a red head with a temper to match, covered in freckles from head to toe, not have six pack abs and have a chest covered in hair, but I still find him irresistble.  (and aren't real men supposed to have hairy chests and not shaved ones anyway??)  As long as he's as fantastic as he is to me and I find him sexy, bullocks to what everyone else thinks.  I have also come to find out that nerds can also be better lovers than your average man.  They are more concerned with what they are doing and how they are making you feel rather than most guys who are in a race with you to have an orgasm and how they look doing it. Nerds, at least from my experience, like to make sure you are satisfied before they worry about themselves. They also like to cuddle.  Now I want to reiterate that this doesn't cover all nerds and there are probably some out there that are just like your regular to average douchebag.  I am only going by my experiences.
     So in closing, in the words of Bob Dylan (well not exactly),  all I am saying is give nerds a chance.  You might be surprised at what you find......until next time......

Friday, February 3, 2012

Must Love Kids.....This one's for you Boys.....Pay Attention.

     How many of you ladies out there are single moms?  How many of you have found a great guy that you can connect with but as soon as they find out you have children they stop calling and just become someone you once knew?  I haven't ever experienced this myself, but I have several friends that have.  I'm sending this blog out to all you guys out there.  Girls, if you are in a relationship with a man and had kids already when you two got together, make him read's gonna be full of some good stuff.      So you go out one night, for the first time in what feels like forever because finding a babysitter is hell, to have a good time with your friends.  On this venture you meet what you believe is a charming and handsome prince, you guys have a couple of drinks and exchange numbers so that you can get together again.  Over the next few weeks you go out to dinner, movies and all the other things that two people getting to know each other do.  After about the third or fourth date the topic that most guys try to avoid comes up and you make it known to him that you have a child (or children).  One of two things at this point will happen, the chicken shit man will in so many words say its been nice knowing you but he's not the biggest child advocate.  Then he will be a coward and not even give the relationship a chance.  The brave man will accept this twist in his reality and tell you he wants to be with you despite the fact that you have kids and will want to eventually meet them.  The hard part is finding the right time for this man to meet your little ones.  You're excited that he has accepted you and your life that way it was dealt to you, but you are also apprehensive because of the attachment your children will feel for this man over time should everything between you two work out.  If things don't work out and a break-up ensues, these tiny humans have no understanding for what happened.  Break-ups for children can be devastating, they don't understand why mommy and this man they have come to admire can't live together and get along.  All I can say is, if you are going to have this man meet your children make sure that you both agree that you are going to give the relationship a good try.  To all of the men that were made to read this same goes for you, if you really think that you can make it work with this amazing woman then by all means discuss with her a good time and place to meet her little ones.  You have to ease into it and be prepared for these tiny people to hate you and/or be really shy.
     Now to all of you boys out there, make sure and I mean absolutely certain that meeting your girlfriends children is really what you want to do.  Once you meet them and they warm up to you, (guaranteed that it will probably only take a couple of minutes) they are going to begin to look up to you and learn things from you.  They are going to see you as a role model, someone that they can ask questions, someone to play games with and possibly a best friend.  They will always have their biological father but depending on the circumstances between their mother and father, you are looking at being a big part of their lives.  You have the opportunity to teach them different things, helping them with their homework, playing games with them and helping them with their problems if they want you to.  If you and their father get into any arguments, and its bound to happen especially if you move in with their mother, don't let it get out of hand in front of the kids.  It might hurt your pride to take the high road and keep your mouth shut but its more important for them to see you acting like a mature adult and handling things with out screaming, yelling, or violence.  This same golden rule applies when you get into an argument with their mother. (Applies to you too ladies!!!)  They are bound to see the two of you fight but keep it to a dull uproar.  They are great receptors for stress and can feel it sometimes before we do, seeing two people they love fight and say hurtful things to each other gives them doubts of their place in the world.  They begin to think that its because of them why you guys are fighting.  If you know an argument is coming, wait until they go to bed and keep the yelling to a minimum so that they don hear you.  Its better for them and in turn, better for you. 
     So in closing, ladies if you have children and are considering letting your boyfriend meet them don't make the decision lightly.  If he keeps pressuring you, tell him to back off and explain the nature of the situation to him.  Sometimes boys need things spelled out for them.  Guys, if you have a girlfriend with children, give her time and let her be sure that meeting her kids is a good decision for them.  She doesn't love you any less but she has one or more other people to think about besides herself, she want to be sure shes making good choices for them. Last but not least, I realize that all of this can be reversed and the guy can have the kids and the girlfriend wants to meet his children.  All the same rules apply!!!  Patience and good choices for these tiny humans is what is ultimately important.  With that said.....until next time..........

Thursday, January 26, 2012


     The name of the title of this blog may be a little silly for the topic, but hey why can't we have some silly in our lives?  I named it super fight because I'm going to get in to the differences between fighting as a dating couple and as a married couple.  To those of you that read this regularly that aren't married: Yes there is a difference between the fights.  Married fighting is waaaayyyy more interesting. 
     When you are in a long term relationship with someone there are bound to be fights.  You have two people that iregardless how similar they are they still have alot of differences and when you get both parties in the same room on a bad day an argument will form.  Angry words will be said, insults thrown, (along with maybe an inanimate object)and majority of the time the couple loses steam and forgets what they are arguing about.  In that event they make up until the next argument where all of a sudden  the topic of the previous fight rears its ugly head.  The funny part about this is that originally the man (once again the term used loosly) will forget he topic of the fight which instigates the making up but when the new fight starts even weeks later he is the first one to bring up what the first fight was about.  The answer to why this happens still baffels women all over the world.  Men will forget birthdays, anniversarys, and other mundane activities but they will remember why you two argued about 6 months ago.  This is besides the point and maybe a topic for another day, today we are going to get into married fighting and why its more fun than fighting when you're not married.
     Couples that have been together for a couple of years but are unmarried fight just as much as everyone else.  Arguing in a relationship is healthy as long as it doesn't get violent.  They fight about work, paying bills, and other stupid little things that don't involve anything more intense than "he forgot to give me money for rent, therefore I hate him."  I'm not saying that couple in a relationship doesn't really get into good fights but the topics start getting a little thin and neither party wants to bring anyhting real serious into the fight because the possibility of a break-up is always there.  They usually keep the fights to being angry because the house is messy, not having enough money from the other individual to help pay the bills or boyfriend/girlfriend being out too late with their friends while the other stays home.  The days long drag out fights where the couple spends a couple of days not speaking to the other is usually a good signal of the relationship coming to an end.  A lot of couples end their years long courtships over one supermassive fight.  Both parties take their things and go their seperate ways.  Short, sweet, simple, done.  Just like pulling off a band-aid.  Married couples, its a completely different world.
     When married people fight they fight over all the same stupid things that every other couple fights over but there are joint bank accounts and families involved.  When you're married the fights usually don't result in any form of break-up unless there are adulterers present or there is violence.  The days long drag out fights are marathons frought with mumbled insults, snide comments and other creative ways of torturing the other person with out actually  looking at them or talking to them in any way.  Sometimes us married folk even result to practical jokes to make the other person look as ridiculous as possible in front of other people with out those people even knowing that the married couple is arguing.  Married people also have the ability to drag the other persons family into the argument.  One of my favorite quotes by Jeff Foxworthy when he talked about this same topic was "well I guess we'll just live like your fat alcoholic mother then..."  And oddly enough comments like that are not far from the truth.  When married people run out of insults for the other person we immediatly turn on the others family.  It doesn't matter if we love our in-laws they are usually the first ones on the chopping block and we work our way through the list of family members.  We think of as many ridiculous insults that we can to not even prove a point but try to make our partner as angry as possible.  Secretly I think we like to get a good heated argument going because when the apologies are handed out and we make up the make up sex is amazing.  Most of us forget our inhabitions in the heat of the moment and will do some pretty crazy things that we will never admit to later on.  So as you can see good things do happen because of fighting.
     So in closing, as long as the fighting is productive its a good thing. (especially if there is make up sex involved!!!)  And if you're married and you guys have already dragged the whole faily in then get creative.  Come up with as many ridiculous insults that you can you guys might end up laughing instead of fighting!!!  Until next week........

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Have No Fear Super Mom Is Here!!!!!!!!!

     To all of my regular readers, I am going to go a little off subject here, (normally I write about sex and relationships)this time its more about relationships.  How many of you women out there are married?  How many are married with children?  How many of you married with children don't get a day off even if you are so sick that you can't move?  I'm willing to bet the answer to the last question is going to be all of you.  If this article offends any of the hardworking men in our lives, I don't mean to, I have just come to realize that a lot is expected out of women especially when we have kids.
     The whole idea of this started when my co-worker and I were sitting at work one day when we both got called in early because everyone else was sick. (The person I am referring to was actually really sick and none of this applies to that individual we just came up with these ideas because of the situation.)  Now, I know that calling in or going home and calling someone in to cover you when you are sick is proper work etiquette, I don't deny that that is the right thing to do so that everyone else and their family doesn't get sick from one person.  What I have noticed it that most of the time its the men calling in when they have a sore throat or a cold, but when women are sick we only call in to work when we are almost literally on our death beds.  A sniffle to us is like a butterfly disturbing an elephant, only mildly annoying.  A sniffle to a man usually signals the end of the world.  A full blown cold is like Armageddon.   We sat and thought at work that day why that is and have come to realize that women have to be tough.  We were created to have the ability to go through nine (or ten) months carrying a human in our bodies and then giving that human life in the birthing process.  We were imbued with the curse of having a monthly menstrual cycle to where on average we bleed for five days and just have to put up with it. Let's not forget the mind numbing cramps that go along with the ever constant discomfort of having a period.  We clean, take care of the children, work, and try to maintain a happy healthy household.  We don't do it because we have to we do it because we want to.  Men could never deal with half of the things that women go through.  Our monthly cycle alone would put a man in a crumpled lump on the floor whining and that would only be the first day.  Women, we pop a midol or other over the counter medication to help ease the pain and discomfort and go on about our day with minimal amount of complaining.  We were built to be tough and withstand most anything.  We don't let much get in our way.  Even on our day off, we don't get the day off.  I don't know about you but my days off of work consist of cleaning, organizing and taking care of my almost two year old little guy.  Its not because I have to do it but because I want to.  My husband helps and is more than happy to help, but as I am sure most of you know we all have our ways of cleaning and doing things and sometimes those boys of ours just don't do it the way we want it done.  Its the same with taking care of the little ones.  Our husbands/boyfriends help with the rearing of the children but as every woman knows until our kids reach the age of 3 or 4 the only person they want to be with is mommy.  So on top of housework we also have a tiny human hanging on our every action.
     I don't want this to sound like I am doing any kind of man bashing because I'm not.  I love my husband and in the 8 years we have been together he has made me a stronger and wiser person.  He understands me and everything about me, but he also says repeatedly that women are crazy.  I tell him that if men had to deal with all the responsibilities of a woman that they would probably be crazy too and with a moment of thought he usually nods his head in agreement.  So I am going to end this shorter entry with this:  Boys, next time you think that your wife/girlfriend is going bat shit crazy over nothing, think about what she has to go through every day.  Be thankful that the woman in your life is there to help you, be there for you, and love her the way she deserves to be loved.  Until next time..........

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Pornstar Girlfriend

     Most of you right now are probably reading that title and thinking,"WHAT?"  I warned you all in the beginning that the entries were going to get a little racy and I fully plan to hold up to that promise.  Fist of all, don't take the title lliterally.  Your husband/boyfriend does not have some girl stashed off to the side. (If he does then you have my full permission to kick his ass.)  This is all about the one thing that every guy does and none of the women will admit that they know about, masturbation and porn.  Now, I don't want to imply that women never do, we all do whether we want to admit it or not, but I am going to put out there that men do it waaaaaayyyyyyyy more than women do. (Unless you're like Samantha from Sex in the City....)  If you can just get your head around the fact that it happens then all will be okay.
     I'm going to start off by saying that masturbation is a perfectly normal and healthy thing and at some point and time in every one's lives we have all done it at least once.  If you say you never have then, you are either lying or you are just too weirded out by the idea and have been to scared to try.  I'm putting money on the lie part.  You also shouldn't be embarrassed by it.  Its a wonderful thing, a good stress reliever, help you fall asleep when you can't sleep, or if you're having a bad day it can make it A LOT better.  I also believe that men pretty much hold the monopoly on this action.  Most women can do it and then not do it again for weeks or even months, with men, its an almost everyday event.  The funny part is depending on the relationship they have with their wife/girlfriend they will totally deny doing it as much as they do until they get caught.  I will also guarantee that at some point they will get caught by you, to which some of them will still deny it.  If you catch your man, don't get angry.  They will probably be embarrassed enough that they really don't need the extra humiliation of a fight over it.   They don't love you any less and they don't find you any less attractive its just what guys do.
     The next thing I'm going to mention is usually where the fight starts about masturbation. Porn.  Every man has a collection of porn.  EVERY MAN.  Even if they say they don't they do and they have just hidden it so well that you will never find it or stashed it at a friends house so you won't see it.  Just keep in mind that it exists.  I can imagine right now I have a bunch of women reading this shaking their heads thinking that their man doesn't have one.  Trust me they do.  When women masturbate they can usually use their imagination to get them to the finish line, men, they need the visual stimulation to get them to that same place.  Its not necessarily that they are attracted to the women on the computer or TV screen, but the change of scenery and the action on the screen.  Seriously ladies, let's face it, most of us are soooo not willing to do half of the things that happen in the adult flicks that our significant others are watching.  (you know its the truth, have you ever watched one of those?)  Some women find a great offense to this collection and once they get married they make their new hubby's get rid of their porn star girlfriends with the thought that they should be enough.  They are fine to think that but with men porn doesn't translate into "my wife isn't good enough therefore I have to watch naked chicks get it on on DVD "its more of just "oohhh look boobs I haven't seen before".  They don't love you any less.  Men are instinctive creatures that have the need and desire to stick their penis into just about anything they can. Watching and masturbating to porn quenches this instinctive thirst that they have to run out and bone anything and everyone.  If that gets taken away from them unwillingly then they have more of a tendency to find another way to quench that thirst. (we all know what that means right?)  So next time you find that porn stash or catch your husband/boyfriend in the act, either let it go or just make it known that he needs to find a better time and place. (if it makes you uncomfortable. out of sight out of mind.) If you find it one of the most sexiest encounters you have ever come across then be sure to let him know.  Open and honest is always the best policy.
     So when you wake up at three in the morning and your significant other is mysteriously missing and you can see the glow of the TV from the other room....give the man some privacy and let him do his thing.  It will make him happier, it will make the relationship happier and always know that he still loves you as much as he did before you found out about all of this and if you are understanding about it he will love you more for it. So long as you are still getting good lovin's on a regular basis and masturbation hasn't taken over your sex life, let it go and enjoy the man for who he is......until next week........


Thursday, January 5, 2012

To Three or Not To Three?......The Ultimate question.

     Most of us, as women, have heard this question more than once in just about every relationship we have had and have politely patted our silly significant other on the head kissed his nose and brushed it off.  What I want to know is have any of you out there ever really seriously sat down and talked about it??  Have you ever sat down with your boy and talked about the possibilities of entering a third into your sex life? ( I warned you guys in the first entry of this blog that the topics would get racy.)  I have and even though I haven't gone through with it, (nor do I think I ever will.) there are A LOT of things to take into account and to really consider.
     OK, so I know that most, if not all, of the time its usually our boys that come up with the idea of a threesome.  Most of the time they are joking around and only mention it so get a rise out of us because they know that its a kind of taboo subject.  Then there are those select few that are totally serious.  They have fantasized about it enough to know that its something that they want to try and they will keep dropping hints towards it.  It's also something that can be easily pushed to the back burner and discussed at a later date if you both choose to do so.  I have realized that its usually guys that do the threesome fantasizing and its usually the girls that push it to the back burner.  If you do decide to have a serious discussion about a threesome whether you are actually going to have one or not, make sure that you are truthful about what you want and how you want it to happen.  I don't think there is anything worse than setting expectations under false pretenses and then realizing it wasn't what you wanted.  The situation is going to be weird enough as it is try to make it as comfortable as possible by expressing what you really want and not what you think he wants. ( Even if all you ever do is just talk about it.)
     The first thing that you definitely going to want to be clear about is who the third will be.  The first thing he's gonna do is probably pick the hottest friend you have and drop her name.  This will of course get a reaction out of you that will cause him physical harm in some way. (punch in the shoulder, smack in the back of the head....) But then consider it......depending on the relationship between you and the aforementioned individual they may be a candidate.  It all really depends on if you want that person to be someone that you know and trust or a complete and total stranger.  It also depends on if you plan on the three of you getting together again in the future.  My personal opinion, if its going to happen more than once a friend may be a good choice but just keep in mind that this person is your friend and you will be hanging out with them after said event.  If its just a one time affair then maybe someone you don't know as well but they are an acquaintance.  Don't ever go for a complete stranger because God only know what repercussions may follow that idea. (Seriously you could end up with a complete and total psycho and be ax murdered)
     The second thing you are going to want to do after you have decided to bring this fantasy to life is set some ground rules between the three of you.  Be very open and honest because as I have already stated there is nothing worse than setting expectations and have them not hold up to what you wanted.  If you are married and you are bringing a third into the mix, this is very important.  A miscommunication can ruin marriages and friendships.  Make sure you express what you want to happen and how you want it to happen so that the only unexpected is that you like it more than you thought you would. (It can happen!!!)  Depending on the person the couple decides to "three" with, rules should be set if two of the three are already friends.  What those rules happen to be, well, that's up to the the three involved.  As long as there is an understanding that there are rules set and they should be followed unless all involved talk about any changes that want to be made.
     And the last thing is......enjoy yourself.  If you have gotten to the point that all the decisions have been made and the three of you have laid down all the rules, try it out.  There is nothing wrong with changing your mind and calling the whole thing off but don't immediately stop everything and get into a cat fight with your best friend because she kissed your boyfriend/husband during the event.  Try it out, let your inhibitions go, and see what happens.  Who knows you might like it and want to try it again or you won't and you never have to do it again.  Sex is a very beautiful thing and sometimes sharing it with more than one other person can be an enlightening experience.  You may also find out that its not for you and the only other person you want to share your body with is your boyfriend/husband. There is nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong in exploring your sexuality.  Whats good for one person may not be good for another.
     So with all that said I will say again that these are my personal opinions and its up to you to listen to them or not.  Until next time my readers.....