Most of you right now are probably reading that title and thinking,"WHAT?" I warned you all in the beginning that the entries were going to get a little racy and I fully plan to hold up to that promise. Fist of all, don't take the title lliterally. Your husband/boyfriend does not have some girl stashed off to the side. (If he does then you have my full permission to kick his ass.) This is all about the one thing that every guy does and none of the women will admit that they know about, masturbation and porn. Now, I don't want to imply that women never do, we all do whether we want to admit it or not, but I am going to put out there that men do it waaaaaayyyyyyyy more than women do. (Unless you're like Samantha from Sex in the City....) If you can just get your head around the fact that it happens then all will be okay.
I'm going to start off by saying that masturbation is a perfectly normal and healthy thing and at some point and time in every one's lives we have all done it at least once. If you say you never have then, you are either lying or you are just too weirded out by the idea and have been to scared to try. I'm putting money on the lie part. You also shouldn't be embarrassed by it. Its a wonderful thing, a good stress reliever, help you fall asleep when you can't sleep, or if you're having a bad day it can make it A LOT better. I also believe that men pretty much hold the monopoly on this action. Most women can do it and then not do it again for weeks or even months, with men, its an almost everyday event. The funny part is depending on the relationship they have with their wife/girlfriend they will totally deny doing it as much as they do until they get caught. I will also guarantee that at some point they will get caught by you, to which some of them will still deny it. If you catch your man, don't get angry. They will probably be embarrassed enough that they really don't need the extra humiliation of a fight over it. They don't love you any less and they don't find you any less attractive its just what guys do.
The next thing I'm going to mention is usually where the fight starts about masturbation. Porn. Every man has a collection of porn. EVERY MAN. Even if they say they don't they do and they have just hidden it so well that you will never find it or stashed it at a friends house so you won't see it. Just keep in mind that it exists. I can imagine right now I have a bunch of women reading this shaking their heads thinking that their man doesn't have one. Trust me they do. When women masturbate they can usually use their imagination to get them to the finish line, men, they need the visual stimulation to get them to that same place. Its not necessarily that they are attracted to the women on the computer or TV screen, but the change of scenery and the action on the screen. Seriously ladies, let's face it, most of us are soooo not willing to do half of the things that happen in the adult flicks that our significant others are watching. (you know its the truth, have you ever watched one of those?) Some women find a great offense to this collection and once they get married they make their new hubby's get rid of their porn star girlfriends with the thought that they should be enough. They are fine to think that but with men porn doesn't translate into "my wife isn't good enough therefore I have to watch naked chicks get it on on DVD "its more of just "oohhh look boobs I haven't seen before". They don't love you any less. Men are instinctive creatures that have the need and desire to stick their penis into just about anything they can. Watching and masturbating to porn quenches this instinctive thirst that they have to run out and bone anything and everyone. If that gets taken away from them unwillingly then they have more of a tendency to find another way to quench that thirst. (we all know what that means right?) So next time you find that porn stash or catch your husband/boyfriend in the act, either let it go or just make it known that he needs to find a better time and place. (if it makes you uncomfortable. out of sight out of mind.) If you find it one of the most sexiest encounters you have ever come across then be sure to let him know. Open and honest is always the best policy.
So when you wake up at three in the morning and your significant other is mysteriously missing and you can see the glow of the TV from the other room....give the man some privacy and let him do his thing. It will make him happier, it will make the relationship happier and always know that he still loves you as much as he did before you found out about all of this and if you are understanding about it he will love you more for it. So long as you are still getting good lovin's on a regular basis and masturbation hasn't taken over your sex life, let it go and enjoy the man for who he is......until next week........
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